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To participate in the challenge, please follow the steps described below.

1. Register

Registration for the challenge is now open. You can use the menu item “Login” to create a new account or log in with an existing account. To complete the registration you have to complete and sign the EndoVis Challenge Rules document and upload it in the registration form. As soon as you click “Continue”, your registration will be checked and your signed Challenge Rules document will be verified. Your registration is finalized as soon as you have received a confirmation email.

After successfully creating an account, it is possible to create and manage teams. There is always just one team administrator, i.e., the person who creates the team. This person can then add and remove other users from the team. Submissions for the challenge can thus be made by both individual users and teams. The corresponding functionalities will be available on this page as soon as you have logged in with a successfully verified account.

2. Access the Data

The final version of the training data is online and can be downloaded at the data page ( To see the available data, you have to be successfully registered and logged in.

The detailed process for accessing the data is as follows:

  1. Log in to the PhaKIR website ( via the menu item “LOGIN”.
  2. Click on the large “C” above the text “Challenge Website”.
  3. Click on the house-symbol under “PhaKIR website”.
  4. Navigate to the “DATA” tab. At the bottom of the page, a table appears with the links where you can download the data.

3. Prepare a Submission

We provide instructions for the preparation of your submission as well as information regarding the evaluation process in the following repository:

4. Submit your Docker Container

We have added a Docker submission guide to our submission template repository, which you can find here:
Submissions are possible from Monday, September 09th, 2024. The submitted models will then be checked for correct functionality and feedback will be provided. Deadline for submission is September 15th, 2024.

5. Submit your Methodology Report

We have created a guideline for the preparation of the methodology report, see: PhaKIR_Methodology_Report.pdf.

Please send your final report to by September 15th, 2024 at the latest.

Participation Policies

External Training Data: Only training data provided by the challenge organizers and publicly available data sets are allowed for training. In addition, networks that have been pre-trained on publicly available datasets may be used.

Award Policy: We will name the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for each task separately. We provide certificates and award money (500€, 300€, 200€) for all of them, sponsored by AKTORmed GmbH.

Publication Policy: All members of the participating teams are qualified as authors. All participants are allowed to publish their own results separately after the challenge but need to cite the final challenge publication created and published by the organizers of the challenge. Individual publications have an embargo time and may only be published once the initial challenge publication from the organizers has been uploaded to arXiv or another platform.

Licensing: The dataset is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license, which means that it can be used for non-commercial purposes once the challenge has been conducted and the challenge paper has been published. If you wish to use or reference this dataset, you must cite this challenge paper that will appear after the challenge. The licensing of new creations must use the exact same licensing terms as in the current version of the dataset.